
Defensible space.


Creating a buffer between you and wildfire.

Keeping your property maintained can go a long way in protecting your home from wildfire. Good pruning, adequate spacing between vegetation, and removing easily combustable materials like leaves and needles keep wildfires from quickly spreading. Arizona Fire Defense will help you develop defensible space and get your home wildfire ready.

  • Home and Property Perimeter Wildfire Hazard Mitigation.

  • Branch, Brush, Grass, Leaves & Needle Services.

  • Tree Limbing and Removals.

  • Storm Damage Response.

  • Seasonal/Monthly Maintenance, Annual Cut-Backs, or One-Time Removals.

Home hardening.


Making your home resistant to wildfire.

Roofs, vents, and eaves are all places of entry for embers. By making a few changes to the structures on your property, you can dramatically increase their ability to stand up to wildfires. Arizona Fire Defense knows what to look for and will put you in touch with the right people to get the job done.

  • Home Hardening Assessment.

  • Referrals to Local Contractors.


Let us help you develop a plan that fits your needs and your budget. We’ll walk you through every step of the process.